Wednesday, November 4, 2009


this is my first note for this blog..tergerak hati untuk menulis blog sbb mungkin salah satu wahana untuk memberi pendapat,sumber inspirasi dan meluahkan perasaan.
First and foremost..being a 3rd year dentistry student is a pleasure acctually.
In the positive point of view.. my ambition is nearly accomplished..i got another 2years of clinical to be finished off..I will do my very best to grab this opportunity and will not let it go..
In the negative side, i becoming very lazy..not the past super swot,suka ber"facebook"ing and not finishing the notes..bioethics, reproduction and central nervous system yang berlalu...tanpa rasa bersalah..adeiii

dimanakah nur syamimi yang dahulu studying like crazy...???
Perlu ada perubahan sempena ulangthn kelahiran aku yang ke 22
Aku harap dapat result yang gempak2 with study yang gempak2 dan moga dipermudhkan oleh ALLAH..
Remember that Professional 2 is coming and trus study
Menuntut ilmu itu adalah wajib bagi setiap muslim...
My future it wisely
Make myself back to the ambitious nur syamimi~
Ganbarre~ (T,T)