Saturday, June 25, 2011

Ya Allah..dugaan apakah ini??
Seriously, I want to go away to somewhere..
It's really stressful here..
But it's seem like it's more stressful at my home..
Kesian mak n abah..

I just can't do anything also.
This is really a real big tests for my family...
So sad to story also..
The solutions always hard to get..

People can only say but if they're not overwhelming these situation..
They are really not the people to worry at..
Lantak lah..

My prayer is that the attitude towards ourselves can be changed to a better one.
No need to continuously blamed others if you're experiencing such terrible life that couldn't be imagined by our mind also..
Please make a change...
Please,please and please..
Tolong jaga diri2 kalian..
Jgn musnahkan diri kalian ke tahap yg sgt2 musnah..


w'salam T___T

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

hehe..xdop keje seyh..

huuuhh..nape je jerawat naik nihh...
I feel like fed up or something that can be always negative now..
I really hate of being like this..kind of fool of what..huhhh..

I'm not interested at all..
I'm really bored at all this nonsence thing
I'm really want to bagi pelempang je kat org tuu..
Buang masa aku kot..
Ko ingat aku suka sgt ker dok melenggu mcm nih??


Kenapa la hidup ni selalu jer banyak masalah..

Sekian............... T_T

Saturday, June 18, 2011

lama sungguh cek tak udate blog dgn penuh warna-warni.
photos explain memories..
belajar mengedit dengan jayanya..
wahaaa.. aku dok mengkaji2 jurnal2 xabis2 jgak..really boring..huhu

next week..i can start my elective..
my aim and new ambition..

hope that I can get what I always pray for..
tau tak ape?? kekasih halal...

Ya Allah...
Permudahkan jalanku dan dia..
Jika dia baik utkku dan agamaku
Baik untukku di dunia dan akhirat
Baik untuk keterusan zuriat dan keturunanku
Permudahkanlah urusan kami..
Bukakan jalan2 kami menuju jalan yg diredhai..amin

Baitul prayer everyday..

Friday, June 17, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Salam..esok exam..huhu
Doa2kan lah saya ehh..

Jom la kita pakat2 puasa d bulan rejab yg penuh keberkatan ini..

Gradnite 2011..
A year to go babeh.. funny, we're actually wearing the bridal gown..
uppss... we're renting our night gown in the bridal shop..

Next year, I hope that everythings will going smooth and flush........ ^^,

Friday, June 3, 2011

Salam..lama seyh saya tak tulis dalam blog ni..
tulis pon ala-ala kadar ajer..
YES..I admit...the time goes very fast...
Year 4 almost finish..
Waiting to move forward to another stage,which is year 5

need to remedial first..
Remedial class II amalgam restoration...
Remember that nothing is impossible in this world..
So, What I going to do is just go babeh..
Gambateh": from PS(poisze)
Goodluck", u can do it: from SNH
Mimi boleh!!: from kak pipah.

I know they love me... hahahahh
So, do it wisely baby..
The skill can develop more in such that u're struggling enough to make it become true..


Ada hikmah atas setiap kejadian Allah..
Believe that..
You can make it...
Whatever it is you need to be prepared..

Be a student so long as you still have something to learn and this will mean all your life..
Get over the idea that only children shuold spend their time in study..

You can do it..............Dr NSJ in making..

Please Allah, ease my way........