Friday, October 25, 2019

My fertility journey

On 20.10.2019
I underwent the flouro HSG at Radiology unit HSNZ. That was my 14th day from LMP. My period was very light during this months at only 3 days maybe.

Before the procedure i noted a blood spot at the panties

During the procedure
There was a leakage of dye from the catheter

I had mild cramping and spotting few 3 days after HSG

During the 3rd day, i experienced heavy bleeding
My pad fully soaked every 2 hours

With fresh blood and blood clot noted
Also foul smelling blood from the pad

I was blurred actually

This is the 5th day and i still had heavy bleeding

Ya Allah
Please protect me from harm
Please ease our path for making a miracle babies
Amin ya Rahman ya Rahim🤧😌😩